Question: I am a regular frum girl, 15 years old and in high school. My parents never got along well and recently told my siblings and me that they are getting divorced. Is my life finished? Will everyone look at me with pity? Will I be able to find a good shidduch? Does the fact that my parents divorced make it more likely that I might get divorced? Any information or chizuk that you can give me is appreciated.


That is very brave of you to reach out with your questions. Those who are in touch with their needs and reach out for support are always in a better place.  

Divorce is painful for all especially for children who did nothing to deserve it. Studies show that many children do experience short-term negative effects from divorce, especially anxiety, anger, shock, and disbelief. There has been an ongoing debate in the research literature regarding the long-term effects of divorce. Some have concluded that these negative reactions usually lessen or disappear by the end of the second year post divorce. Others have demonstrated that the effects are life-long, perhaps in more subtle ways.

.The following are important factors to keep in mind.



Special thanks to Rabbi Yosef Vigler and Mrs. Tali Arieff, LCSW from My Extended Family for their input.


This article originally appeared in the Yated Ne'eman.