Our Gemara on Amud Aleph tells us that the events of the years of Yaakov’s life were not recorded explicitly until he arrived in Egypt. Meaning to say, by the other forefathers, their ages are noted at various life events, such as marriages or birthing children. It really is remarkable in its absence as compared to the other Avos. For example (Bereishis 25:20) tells us how old Yitschok was when he married Rivkah. Or Bereishis (21:5) tells us how old Avraham was when Yitschok was born. Or Avraham was 90 (Bereishis 17:1) when he was commanded to perform Milah. Or how old Avraham was when he left Charan (ibid, 12:4). We know how old Yitschok was when Yaakov and Esav were born (Ibid, 25:26), and we even know how old Esav was when he got married (ibid, 26:34). But For Yaakov, we only know how old he was when he died and how long he lived in Egypt. The timeline of the rest of his life events are learned through deduction of other figures such as Yitschok or Yishmael.  Surely this must have significance. 

Peri Tzaddik (Vayechi) suggests that there is something different that occurred in Yaakov’s life once he arrived in Egypt. For some reason, only then did he have all his sons together and only then did he really “live”, and his holiness was complete. This is why the Parsha starts with VaYechi, and he lived. He goes on to say that when a person’s later years are completed with blessings in old age, it colors and completes prior years that were not as fulfilling.

Peri Tzaddik then wonders how the crowning achievement of Yaakov’s life could be in Egypt and not in Israel. He says this is one of the inexplicable mysteries of galus, and actually some of the most productive times for the Jewish people occur during galus. For example, the Talmud Bavli, one of Judaism's great achievements, was composed in exile, outside of Israel. There is a universal truth and pattern that exile brings innovation and growth.

Peri Tzaddik makes a final point. The long years that we spend prior to the maschiach are not futile or in vain. Even though the souls are lesser with each generation, there is an aspect within the souls that gets more and more purified with each generation.

Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation cool

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