The Gemara quotes a verse in Iyov 24:14 as follows:

לָא֡וֹר יָ֘ק֤וּם רוֹצֵ֗חַ יִֽקְטָל־עָנִ֥י וְאֶבְי֑וֹן וּ֝בַלַּ֗יְלָה יְהִ֣י כַגַּנָּֽב׃

The murderer arises in the evening  To kill the poor and needy,  And at night he acts the thief.

This verse raises an important flag about zealotry. Whenever we find ourselves to excited about something we believe to be a good deed, we should double check if somehow it isn’t. It’s not that we cannot be happy and energetic to do good deeds but we should be a bit suspicious. It is strange how certain dubious mitzvos attract a lot of energy and excitement. Some examples:


for Video Shiur click here to listen:  Psychology of the DAF Pesachim 2


Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation cool

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