Nefesh International is an international network of Orthodox Jewish mental health professionals. As NEFESH International is not in the custom of issuing public or internal statements of any kind, I offer my thoughts as an individual.
I condemn senseless violence and murder of any kind. I condemn racism and bigotry in all its forms.
Listening, is perhaps the greatest form of compassionate conversation. As a mental health professional, I spend my career fine-tuning my capacity to hear, listen, understand, empathize, and demonstrate compassion in life where such things are missing. The state of public discourse is disturbing. Defensive listening and deep-rooted animosity continue to divide us and the much-needed love and openness for healing seems to be ever elusive. “Be as passionate about listening as you are about wanting to be heard,” says Brene Brown. I join with others who invite the world to listen to each other better. I pray for a greater capacity for all of us to listen better and to return listening to the forefront of conversation.
As Jews, we instinctively respond to human suffering. I fully embrace the Divine responsibility to "Love your neighbor as yourself" and affirm that all human beings, regardless of race, creed or color are created in the image of God. A God who is compassionate, empowering, and intimately loving of all things in this world. The preservation of human dignity is at the core of my religious ethos and my work as a mental health professional. Humanity has more in common with itself than the multitude of differences found within. I join with those who seek more compassion for the world and greater sophistication for how our differences need not divide us. When it comes to preserving human dignity and human life, we must recognize that human beings are all one side, one people, and one humanity. I call for healing in this fractured world and look forward to a time when all humanity can unite as one, in dignity and harmony.